Source code for ippy.ippy

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Python script to check if IP address and domains are accessible or not.
.. codeauthor:: Shivam Mathur <>
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from future.standard_library import install_aliases
from io import StringIO, BytesIO
from json import dumps
from csv import writer
from future.moves.itertools import zip_longest

import sys
import os
import platform
import subprocess
import threading
import pingparsing
import queue

[docs]class Ippy(object): def __init__(self, verbose_mode=True, output_mode='json', num_workers=4, file=None): # Modes self.verbose = verbose_mode self.output = output_mode # The number of workers. self.num_workers = num_workers # Input file self.file = file # Private members self._pending = queue.Queue() self._done = queue.Queue() self._workers = [] self._results = [] self._accessible = [] self._not_accessible = [] @property def get_results(self): return self._results @property def get_accessible(self): return self._accessible @property def get_not_accessible(self): return self._not_accessible
[docs] def set_config(self, verbose_mode=True, output_mode='json', num_workers=4): """ Function to set the configuration of IPpy :param verbose_mode: Print ping output if True. :param output_mode: Output mode of the results. Supported - 'json' or 'csv'. :param num_workers: Number of workers to ping. """ self.verbose = verbose_mode self.output = output_mode self.num_workers = num_workers
[docs] def set_file(self, file=None): """ Function to set the input file. :param file: Input filename. """ if file is None: raise Exception("No input file specified.") else: self.file = file
[docs] @staticmethod def get_ping_args(platform_os=None): """ :return ping_args: ping command with arguments """ plat = platform.system() if platform_os is not None: plat = platform_os # The arguments for the 'ping', excluding the address. if plat == "Windows": ping_args = ["ping", "-n", "2", "-l", "1", "-w", "2000"] elif plat == "Linux": ping_args = ["ping", "-c", "2", "-l", "1", "-s", "1", "-W", "2"] elif plat == "Darwin": ping_args = ["ping", "-c", "2", "-l", "1", "-s", "1", "-W", "2000"] else: raise ValueError("Unknown platform") return ping_args
[docs] def get_filepath(self): """ :return file_path: Returns absolute path of the Input file. """ if self.file is None: raise Exception("No input file specified.") script_dir = sys.path[0] file_path = os.path.join(script_dir, self.file) return file_path
[docs] @staticmethod def worker_func(ping_args, pending, done): """ Function to perform the actual ping. :param ping_args: Ping arguments :param pending: Pending queue :param done: Done queue """ try: while True: # Get the next address to ping. address = pending.get_nowait() ping = subprocess.Popen(ping_args + [address], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) out, error = ping.communicate() # Output the result to the 'done' queue. done.put(({'result': out, 'ip': address}, error)) except queue.Empty: # No more addresses. pass finally: # Tell the main thread that a worker is about to terminate. done.put(None)
[docs] def run(self): """ Function to put everything together and parse the ping outputs. """ ping_args = self.get_ping_args() file_path = self.get_filepath() for _ in range(self.num_workers): self._workers.append(threading.Thread(target=self.worker_func, args=(ping_args, self._pending, self._done))) # Put all the addresses into the 'pending' queue. with open(file_path, "r") as hostsFile: for line in hostsFile: self._pending.put(line.strip()) # Start all the workers. for w in self._workers: w.daemon = True w.start() # Parser to parse the ping response ping_parser = pingparsing.PingParsing() # Get the results as they arrive. num_terminated = 0 while num_terminated < self.num_workers: result = self._done.get() if result is None: # A worker is about to terminate. num_terminated += 1 else: # Print as soon as results arrive if result[1].decode("utf-8") == '': # Error is empty string if self.verbose: print("IP", result[0]['ip']) print(result[0]['result'].decode("utf-8")) ping_parser.parse(result[0]['result'].decode("utf-8")) if int(ping_parser.packet_loss) == 100: # All packets are lost self._not_accessible.append(result[0]['ip']) else: self._accessible.append(result[0]['ip']) self._results.append(result) # Wait for all the workers to terminate. for w in self._workers: w.join()
[docs] def result(self): """ Function to encode the output into the specified output mode. :return result: The output string in the specified output mode. """ if self.output == 'json': result_dict = {"Accessible": self._accessible, "Not Accessible": self._not_accessible} result = dumps(result_dict, indent=4) elif self.output == 'csv': result = StringIO() if(sys.version_info >= (3, 0)) else BytesIO() ippy_writer = writer(result) d = [self._accessible, self._not_accessible] for x in zip_longest(*d): ippy_writer.writerow(x) result = str(result.getvalue()).strip('\r\n') result = 'Accessible,Not Accessible\n' + result else: raise ValueError("Unknown output mode") return result